MAY 20, 2024

Letters to the Editor

No. 1: Dylann Storm Roof Is A Fraud


First off, thanks for accepting this letter almost six weeks after my initial off-color retort to your article dated September 12, 2015, ‘Dylann Storm Roof is a Fraud.’ As stated in that retort, I was offended by the article and what I believed was an asinine claim that the ‘victims’ of the Emmanuel Church shooting were still alive, were in hiding, and that perhaps some of the congregants did not even exist.

In my second correspondence, I apologized to your staff because I felt it was necessary given my harsh and foul spoken e-mail. My apology was coming on the heels of what has been and continues to be a never ending barrage of shootings that the likes of the FBI claim as being perpetrated by ‘white supremacists’. These ‘massacres’ have become so ludicrous in their profiling of the perpetrators that it has become clear that Dylann Roof is indeed A FRAUD and so are the other shooters and killings.

It was stated in your article that this was a live-action film with a working title of ‘The Right Side of History.’ Well, we must be in the Wild Wild West stage of the film because the massacres are now in Arizona and Oregon. And, just with many of the other ‘killings’, they occurred at colleges.

I think that the people in the states where these ‘staged’ frauds have occurred need to file lawsuits against the colleges and state officials that have conspired in these phony attacks. After all, most of these schools are funded by the taxpayers. Moreover, the students who attend and graduate from these institutions will now have degrees that are downgraded by these events.

As for Nikki Haley and those who conspired in South Carolina, I now agree that the voters need to actively seek her recall. The problem is that all the newspapers are being controlled by the same people that are behind and/or support these frauds.

When I read the newspaper or watch the news on TV, it is the same rote nonsense. I get the same garbage from CBS, NBC, Fox, ABC and even public broadcasting. As for the latter, which is largely supported by public funds and donations from the people, lawsuits should be directed against them as well for misusing those funds.

This is a criminal conspiracy! But getting the word out is going to be very hard. I thank Joe & Jane for doing your part; and you can now count me as a dedicated and much more respectful reader.
J. Case, Columbia, South Carolina


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