Bruce Jenner Cum Caitlyn: Putrid & Punked-Out for Primetime

‘Caitlyn’ Jenner

Los Angeles – Is Bruce Jenner Caitlyn and is Caitlyn even herself? We know the answer physiologically – there is still a penis attached to that body – but let’s focus on transgender mentality. Apparently, if you have listened in on any of Jenner’s media interviews, he considers himself a herself independent of sexual apparatus.

Just as Rachel Dolezal, the down with a tan white girl passing as black in her transracial formation, Jenner is the gender equivalent moving beyond the confines of his masculinity and pronouncing himself to be ‘Caitlyn.’

These states of being run hand-in-hand with the theme of the underdogs rising up against the bully and his culture, which apparently is the American Anglo-Saxon Protestant modeled on that stick bearing get-what-he-wants, Theodore Roosevelt.

These underdogs – transgenders, homosexuals, blacks, Catholics, ‘immigrants’, Jews, women – are the bullied now charting themselves in the combination reality-TV and documentary film serial taking place over the last 7 years on the network news, internet, radio, print media, and big screen.

The importance of pulling Jenner into this fiasco being produced by the media and entertainment oligarchs is that he was the Decathalon gold medalist at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal. The Decathalon was long-considered the most arduous of the Olympic events and the gold medalist became known as ‘the greatest athlete in the world.’

Moreover, 1976 was the grandly memorialized year of the Bicentennial of the American Revolution and independence from Great Britain. To commemorate the Bicentennial, the US Treasury re-issued the $2 bill, which has colloquially become known as the ‘queer’ dollar within a certain American subculture.

That Jenner was a long-distance man positions him further into this ripping-the-hell out of America’s storied reputation narrative that also featured the action-packed Boston Marathon bombing by ‘home grown’ terrorists on Patriot’s Day.

Like Tom Brady, the quarterback of the New England Patriots that revealed he is, in fact, a mere follower, Jenner sold-out for fame and perks for himself, his booty-call stepdaughters, his own two indistinct daughters who now grace the covers of magazines they would otherwise never appear on, and more attention than he himself has drawn in decades.

One of the media sites that has covered his transformation referred to him as, “a one time representation of American masculinity.”

Bradly Manning slider

The tie-in to this joke is Bradley Manning, the American soldier that revealed classified secrets about the US and was jailed for it.

Bradley is supposedly now a she – Chelsea Manning. Who is to know if Manning actually exists beyond a character seen in uniform walking to and from a trial; or donned in military uniform for his portrait standing adjacent to the US flag.

Given that ‘Dylann Storm Roof’, the so-called perpetrator of the massacre that took place in South Carolina, is an absolute fraud replete with his own jail garb, FBI escorts and court appearance, it is prudent to be wary of the legitimacy of ‘Chelsea Manning.’

That’s right: Patriot’s are cheaters, traitors, terrorists and unmanly.

Ah, to be putrid and punked-out at the age of 66. Bruce Jenner did not age gracefully; he transmogrified disgracefully. – ed.

Published: November 22, 2015

Illustration Credit: Caitlyn Jenner; Bradley Manning: Bromiguel




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