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Barack Obama
Barack Obama, US President
Eric Foner
Eric Foner, Historian

(Continued from page 1)

Just as there are multiple scripts and movies within movies being directed by revered auteurs for this docudrama, so too are there numerous historians whose works are being utilized as reference points.

South Carolina’s governor, Nikki Haley, backed by the conspiratorial support of members of the state legislature, has requested that prosecutors seek the death penalty for ‘Dylann Storm Roof.’ Her active crocodile tears participation in this fraud and the havoc it has stirred in the state has been an offensive violation of the public trust. Haley has abused her position of power and misused her paid-for-by-the-taxpayers office. Regardless of one’s ideological slant, it is a prudent position to seek her recall from office. She has made herself impossible to trust on all other matters.

Consider the name ‘Dylann Storm Roof.’ It was concocted to invoke Nazism and white supremacy; and to draw a correlation, albeit a flawed one, between the Confederacy and the Nazis. The double ‘n’ is a Germanic spelling standard; think ‘Mann’. The ‘Storm’ points to Storm Front; and the absurd ‘Roof’ is for the American phrase, storming the roof.

The impersonating 21-year-old shooter neither spent bullets nor harmed a single person. His image, replete with guns and Confederate flags, has been Photoshopped into many locales of purported interest to white supremacists.

Senator Lindsey Graham claims that a relative of his attended school with Roof. Further, the FBI claims Roof repeated the 9th grade and never completed high school. Yet, he is the supposed author of a 2,444 page racist manifesto methodically organized into sections such as “Jews”, “blacks” and “patriotism.”

In reference to ‘patriotism’, it is being argued that the Confederate flag represents a foreign nation. Analogies have been drawn between it and the Mexican flag. This is ludicrous. Members of the Confederacy were citizens and their relatives fought in America’s wars before and after their defeat to the Union.

This warped-out scheme disguised as a kind of ‘social progress’ lesson has been injurious to the United States. The perpetrators – government stewards and private power brokers – need to be held punitively accountable for their contemptuous actions. Such accountability, pursued with unrelenting vigor, will lead to a genuinely positive changing of an untrustworthy and dastardly guard. – ed.


Published: No.1: September 12, 2015  

Illustration Credits: Nikki Haley; Barack Obama; Dylann Roof: Bromiguel; Lindsey Graham: Ivan Cuadros; Eric Foner: Mike Indovina




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