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Bruce Jenner Cum Caitlyn: Putrid & Punked-Out for Primetime

‘Caitlyn’ Jenner

Los Angeles – Is Bruce Jenner Caitlyn and is Caitlyn even herself? We know the answer physiologically – there is still a penis attached to that body – but let’s focus on transgender mentality. Apparently, if you have listened in on any of Jenner’s media interviews, he considers himself a herself independent of sexual apparatus.

Just as Rachel Dolezal, the down with a tan white girl passing as black in her transracial formation, Jenner is the gender equivalent moving beyond the confines of his masculinity and pronouncing himself to be ‘Caitlyn.’

These states of being run hand-in-hand with the theme of the underdogs rising up against the bully and his culture, which apparently is the American Anglo-Saxon Protestant modeled on that stick bearing get-what-he-wants, Theodore Roosevelt.

Letters to the Editor

Living Under A Scalpel Somewhere

Joan Rivers, A Not So Funny Anymore Lady

Los Angeles – Joan Rivers, the tight plasticene faced lady that brought stand-up comedy such stellar lines that went something like this, “I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw that my bath toys were a toaster and a radio.”, is still with us. That’s right, folks. That acerbic lip-injected runway schmooze is alive.

Perhaps she is living like Marie Antoinette in her Connecticut estate; or perhaps she is enjoying stroking the head of one of her beloved dogs while looking out of the panorama providing windows of her Manhattan apartment.
